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Benchmark Exams


Benchmark exams are an opportunity for students to demonstrate what they have learned in their classes so far this year. They make up a significant percentage of students’ final grades for the quarter (10% in middle school and 20% in high school) and students spend several days preparing for these exams both in and out of class.

More detailed information about the schedule, attendance, dress code, and our academic integrity policy are below.


Benchmarks take place over the course of three days (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday) at the end of quarters 1, 2, and 3. There are no benchmark exams at the end of quarter 4.

During every benchmark period:

  • Testing occurs from 8:30am to 2pm all three days
  • Students with extra time accommodations may test until 3pm 
  • Middle school buses will arrive at CCSC at 3:25pm on all three days. CCSC will have a space and supervision for middle school students who finish at 2:00pm and are waiting to take the bus at 3:25pm.  
  • Middle school students will have regular enrichment blocks (Art, WAM, study hall) 
  • High school students do not need to come to school for their enrichment blocks, but we will host a space for students who choose to come
  • All students will receive personalized schedules outlining all of their exams the Monday of benchmark week
Quarter 1: October 30th - November 1st

October 30th:

  • 8:30-10:40 AM: Exam 1 (A block)
  • 10:45-11:55 AM: Lunch and Recess (middle school); Extended Lunch (high school)
  • 12:00-2:00 PM: Exam 2 (B block)
  • 2:00 PM: Dismissal for most students, bus pickup at 3:25 PM

October 31st:

  • 8:30-10:40 AM: Exam 1 (C block)
  • 10:45-11:55 AM: Lunch and Recess (middle school); Extended Lunch (high school)
  • 12:00-2:00 PM: Exam 2 (D block)
  • 2:00 PM: Dismissal for most students, bus pickup at 3:25 PM

November 1st:

  • 8:30-10:40 AM: Exam 1 (E block)
  • 10:45-11:55 AM: Lunch and Recess (middle school); Extended Lunch (high school)
  • 12:00-2:00 PM: Exam 2 (F block)
  • 2:00 PM: Dismissal for most students, bus pickup at 3:25 PM
Quarter 2: January 22nd - 24th

January 22nd:

  • 8:30-10:40 AM: Exam 1 (E block)
  • 10:45-11:55 AM: Lunch and Recess (middle school); Extended Lunch (high school)
  • 12:00-2:00 PM: Exam 2 (F block)
  • 2:00 PM: Dismissal for most students, bus pickup at 3:25 PM

January 23rd:

  • 8:30-10:40 AM: Exam 1 (A block)
  • 10:45-11:55 AM: Lunch and Recess (middle school); Extended Lunch (high school)
  • 12:00-2:00 PM: Exam 2 (B block)
  • 2:00 PM: Dismissal for most students, bus pickup at 3:25 PM

January 24th:

  • 8:30-10:40 AM: Exam 1 (C block)
  • 10:45-11:55 AM: Lunch and Recess (middle school); Extended Lunch (high school)
  • 12:00-2:00 PM: Exam 2 (D block)
  • 2:00 PM: Dismissal for most students, bus pickup at 3:25 PM
Quarter 3: April 2nd - 4th

April 2nd:

  • 8:30-10:40 AM: Exam 1 (C block)
  • 10:45-11:55 AM: Lunch and Recess (middle school); Extended Lunch (high school)
  • 12:00-2:00 PM: Exam 2 (D block)
  • 2:00 PM: Dismissal for most students, bus pickup at 3:25 PM

April 3rd:

  • 8:30-10:40 AM: Exam 1 (E block)
  • 10:45-11:55 AM: Lunch and Recess (middle school); Extended Lunch (high school)
  • 12:00-2:00 PM: Exam 2 (F block)
  • 2:00 PM: Dismissal for most students, bus pickup at 3:25 PM

April 4th:

  • 8:30-10:40 AM: Exam 1 (A block)
  • 10:45-11:55 AM: Lunch and Recess (middle school); Extended Lunch (high school)
  • 12:00-2:00 PM: Exam 2 (B block)
  • 2:00 PM: Dismissal for most students, bus pickup at 3:25 PM


Attendance During Benchmarks

  • Attendance will be taken at the start of each exam.
  • If families know in advance that their child will be absent during benchmarks, they should reach out to Mr. Vogel at
  • If a student is absent for unexpected reasons (ex. they wake up sick the morning of the exam), families should call the front desk at 617 354 0047. 
  • Make-up exams will take place during 4th and 5th period on both Tuesday and Thursday the week following benchmarks. 

Dress Code During Benchmarks

Benchmarks are dress down days, which means students may wear clothing other than our regular dress code. Clothing, however, must adhere to our dress code rules:

  • Students are permitted to wear whatever color top and bottom they want.
  • Tops must have sleeves and cannot be cropped, and bottoms must be mid-thigh or longer and well-fitting.
  • Students cannot wear clothing with references to anything that violates someone’s identity, references to substances, or that is sexually explicit.

Academic Integrity Policy

We want to ensure that the benchmarks students complete reflect their own academic work. To that end, teachers often create multiple versions of each exam and students are not allowed to communicate with their classmates at any point in time during the exam period. Please see the Student and Family Handbook section on Academic Responsibility and Integrity for more information and what happens if a student is believed to have engaged in academic dishonesty.