Our small, individualized high school program ensures that each student is known, challenged, supported, and celebrated. CCSC students are excellent problem solvers, strong communicators, and critical and reflective thinkers who engage in meaningful work inside the school as well as within the larger community through internships and community-based projects.
We believe that our role is to provide students with access to the resources and opportunities they need to achieve their big dreams. Our high school program has been nationally recognized for this commitment, particularly in expanding access to AP courses. In 2023, CCSC was named to the AP Honor Roll and received a 2023 AP Access Award in recognition of our commitment to “equitable access to advanced coursework.” All students at CCSC have the opportunity to engage in AP or honors coursework and our individualized program means every student is able to be challenged in areas where they shine and to receive targeted support in areas where they need additional guidance and instruction, including through CCSC @Night, our Writing Center, and office hours.
CCSC 11th and 12th grade students also have the opportunity to participate in dual enrollment courses, taking classes at local colleges and earning both high school and college credit for their work. Students have taken a variety of classes, including: Intro to Psych, Public Speaking, Intro to Animation Development, and College Writing.
CCSC high school students also have the opportunity to earn the Massachusetts Seal of Biliteracy, which recognizes high school graduates who attain high function and academic levels of proficiency in English and a world language. Students can take the language exams in 11th or 12th grade. In 2024, 11 CCSC students earned the Seal of Biliteracy in Amharic, Cape Verdean Creole, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Spanish, and Yoruba.
More information about our high school program is available here.
Recent Program Highlights
- CCSC was named to the 2023 AP Honor Roll (silver) and received a 2023 AP Access Award. Eighty-three percent of CCSC seniors in 2023 took at least one AP exam during high school, compared to roughly 35% nationally.
- CCSC is consistently named one of US News and World Report’s Best High Schools and ranked in the top 100 high schools in Massachusetts.
- In 2021, CCSC was one of only 1,770 public high schools across the nation to win the inaugural College Success Award - Gold Level given by GreatSchools.org.
- In the past four graduating classes, 4 CCSC graduates were awarded prestigious, full-tuition Posse Leadership Scholarships (13 CCSC graduates have received these scholarships).
- Last year's graduating class were awarded almost $4 million dollars in merit-based scholarship and grants.
Information and Resources for Students and Families
Important Policies and Frequently Used Links
- Benchmark Exams
- Family Conferences
- Academic Program and Classes
- Senior Internship Program
- College and Career Counseling
- Student Supports and Counseling
- Office Hours, CCSC @Night, and Writing Center
- High School Weekly Memos
- Dress Code
- Cell Phone Policy
- Off-Campus Lunch Privileges
- Sports and Clubs Registration
- PowerSchool, MyDash, and TalkingPoints
- Request a Loaner Chromebook
- Nutrition and Transportation
For more detail on these and other school policies, systems, and procedures, please see the 2024-2025 Student and Family Handbook.
Daily Schedule

School Day: 8:30 AM - 3:25 PM
Dismissal: 3:25 PM
Wednesday Dismissal: 12:25 PM
Key Contacts
Jake Friedman, Principal - jfriedman@ccscambridge.org
Naatuere Ajanaku, Assistant Principal - najanaku@ccscambridge.org
Vicky Rivera, Director of College and Career Counseling - vrivera@ccscambridge.org
George Skelton, Dean of Students - gskelton@ccscambridge.org
Thai Small, Restorative Justice Coordinator - tsmall@ccscambridge.org
Jeff Vogel, Director of Curriculum and Instruction - jvogel@ccscambridge.org
Katie O’Hara, Director of Student Supports - kohara@ccscambridge.org
Kennedy Gomes, High School Athletic Director - kgomes@ccscambridge.org
Eliza Inder, Student and Family Engagement Manager - einder@ccscambridge.org
Larissa Tirella, Counseling Department Chair, Homeless Liaison, and DCF Point of Contact - ltirella@ccscambridge.org
Grade Level Leaders
9th grade:
10th grade:
11th/12th grade: Mallory Karlicek - mkarlicek@ccscambridge.org