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Our Families

Our families are critical partners in our work and we are grateful to consistently actively collaborate with our families to make CCSC the very best school possible.

CCSC families are active and engaged: whether it's serving on our Board, providing critical insight as a member of our Strategic Planning Committee, volunteering as a field trip chaperone, regularly reaching out to their student's teachers, attending a Community Meeting, cheering on one of our sports teams, or saying hi every morning to Mr. Ted during school drop-off, CCSC families bring tremendous wisdom, talent, support, joy, and love to our school. 

Family Association

The mission of our Family Association is to foster a supportive, inclusive, and engaged community of families, educators, and students. Family Association plays a crucial role in building our school culture, celebrating our students and staff, and creating a space for families to meet, network, and build community. Members of Family Association have the opportunity to plan and lead events, such as school dances, Educator Appreciation Week, field trips, senior breakfast, and the Thanksgiving Potluck, as well as share specific skills or interests to advance the work of our school community. 

To learn more and to get involved, please complete this form or email Eliza Inder, Student and Family Engagement Manager. 

School Council

One way in which families help guide CCSC is through our School Council. The School Council at CCSC is a representative committee made up of the principal, family members, teachers, community members, and student representatives. The School Council at CCSC has several primary responsibilities:

  • To give feedback to the principal on specific topics to get a fuller sense of the community's goals and needs as they relate to adopting educational goals and policies;
  • To develop a more complete understanding of the educational needs of students and their families; and
  • To review and provide input on the School Improvement Plan. 

The School Council meetings are all public and are posted on the school’s calendar. All families are welcome to attend any meeting and to participate in those meetings. Elections for the Executive Council are held early in the fall of each school year. To contact all of the members of School Council please email